Please read the following
This is confirmation that we have received your re-enrolment form and we are now dealing with your request(s).
If you have requested a day or time change for yourself and/or family member, we will be in contact after the priority enrolment to discuss what is available.
If you have requested a day or time change for yourself and/or family member, we will be in contact after the priority enrolment to discuss what is available.
Important Information &
Terms and Conditions
All payments for services must be paid in advance by cash or debit/credit card and are non-refundable except for some special circumstances. The Centre only accepts Visa and MasterCard.
Priority re-enrolments are required to pay within 3 days of invoices being sent. If payment is not received, you will be taken out of your class and then risk losing your spot for the next term. Special circumstances may apply.
Invoices from priority enrolments will be sent out after the priority enrolment deadline. All other times invoices will be sent out on the day.
If payment is made for the new term and you are then unable to participate in a class(es), we will be able to refund you your full amount if you have notified us prior to the term start date.
Make-up policy
Two makeup classes are permitted per termly course if 24 hours notice is given. This is subject to availability.
Absences due to illness or other reasons/circumstances should be discussed with management. If you are unwell and cannot attend your lesson, please let us know the evening before for morning lessons and by 10am for afternoon/evening lessons.
Please give us a call if you need to discuss your invoice and/or Termly enrolments
A full list of our Terms and Conditions can be seen at the the bottom of this page
All payments for services must be paid in advance by cash or debit/credit card and are non-refundable except for some special circumstances. The Centre only accepts Visa and MasterCard.
Priority re-enrolments are required to pay within 3 days of invoices being sent. If payment is not received, you will be taken out of your class and then risk losing your spot for the next term. Special circumstances may apply.
Invoices from priority enrolments will be sent out after the priority enrolment deadline. All other times invoices will be sent out on the day.
If payment is made for the new term and you are then unable to participate in a class(es), we will be able to refund you your full amount if you have notified us prior to the term start date.
Make-up policy
Two makeup classes are permitted per termly course if 24 hours notice is given. This is subject to availability.
Absences due to illness or other reasons/circumstances should be discussed with management. If you are unwell and cannot attend your lesson, please let us know the evening before for morning lessons and by 10am for afternoon/evening lessons.
Please give us a call if you need to discuss your invoice and/or Termly enrolments
A full list of our Terms and Conditions can be seen at the the bottom of this page
We can't wait to see you back on court!!
Our reception desk is open 7 days a week so feel free to get in touch if you have any queries!